The Summer Studio
Relief Carving in Limestone Workshop, June 4 and 5, 2016
9:30 am to 4 pm with lunch break
Soapstone Carving Workshop, June 4 and 5, 2016
9:30 am to 4 pm with lunch break
At “The Summer Studio” Laura Travis will host two concurrent workshops…one in limestone relief carving and one in soapstone carving. Beginners and experienced artists in other media are welcome, and will get individual attention in a lovely outdoor setting in Middlebridge, near the Narrow River and a short distance from the beach at Narragansett. If you’ve ever wanted to find out what stone carving is like, and give it a try, this is the perfect introduction. Soapstone will be carved in the round, using visual references and a process of using a small clay model to plan your work. Limestone will be carved in relief from a flat design you can bring with you or create when you arrive at the workshop. Each day starts at 9:30 am and runs til 4 pm, with a lunch break, and cold drinks are provided all day. You can expect to finish a small piece in just one weekend! Bring only your eye protection, everything else you need will be on hand. $125 + materials fee, varies slightly per stone chosen.
Call 401-792-7149 or email for more details or to reserve a spot- or you can book your spot on Eventbrite!
Here are two links to Eventbrite: