All posts by webmaster

Shaw in Newport

Spring Bull Gallery’s  “Meet the Artist” event on Newport Gallery Night, is happening on Thursday, July 9th, 5 – 8 PM, offering an informal discussion by Spring Bull Gallery and HopArts member artist Susan Shaw on working as an artist and a demonstration in watercolor painting.

Susan also has work in, “Les Petites Ouevres en Ete, Summer Little Pictures”, continuing in the Gallery through July 30th, featuring smaller original works in many mediums. Come feast on the diverse selection of artwork by many talented artists featured this month.

 Spring Bull Gallery is located on 55 Bellevue Avenue, Newport, is open 12- 5 PM daily with extended summer hours – Thursdays ‘till 8, and and Fridays ’till 7 pm. For more information, contact us at 401 846-9166, Springbull Gallery.

Beaudry in July

HopArts member Madeline Beaudry will be showing her work for the month of July thru August 2 at the Artists’ Cooperative Gallery of Westerly. Opening reception is Friday July 3, from 5–8pm. Hope to see you there.

The gallery is located at 7 Canal Street, Westerly, RI.
Phone: 401-596-2221.


Studio Trail Application Online

2015-PDF-APP-FORM_Page_1The application form for this year’s Studio Trail is now available. It’s best to use the online form if possible. If not, there’s a PDF file of the form available for you to download.

This year we’re increasing the number of images of your work you can submit to 6. This will allow you to display a wider variety of  your work.

The application deadline is moved up to May 15. Extended to June 15.

Looking forward to seeing you in October!