Roberta Mudge Humble

Roberta Mudge Humble has written 7 books and created 8 games – about Rhode Island – and gives 12 rousing presentations on Rhode Island, all with glorious pictures of all parts of the state. She is a retired CCRI professor where she taught Technical Writing for 47 years. Her passion is historic armories. She is president of the Westerly Armory which has an event venue in its drill hall, a museum of both military and community memorabilia, and a home for the Westerly Band. Her best-known books are The Right to Crow and The Historic Armories of Rhode Island. The recipient of many state and national awards including the Education & Advocacy Award from the State Preservation Commission. She was inducted into the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame in 2022. And she loves birds.

Westerly Armory Restoration, Inc.
Roberta Mudge Humble
Warwick, Rhode Island

Promoting the arts in southern Rhode Island